Features and categories

Get enhanced lrc file content
  1. Generate word by word
  2. Generate line by line
  3. Supports special charactors
  4. Copy paste or browse .txt file
  5. Save or download generated file
Download saved lrc file anytime
  1. Download settings
  2. Auto save generated file
  3. Generated lrc list
  4. Converted lrc list
  5. Converted lrc list
Convert lrc to other language word

  1. Copy paste or browser .lrc file
  2. Copy paste or browser .text file
  3. Convert from your saved lrc file
  4. Auto save converted file
  5. Download anytime
Merge your two content line by line

  1. Copy paste or browser .lrc or .txt file
  2. Perform merge only
  3. Perform convert and merge
  4. Save & download anytime
View document
Lab testing
Test your local or saved lrc file content with targeted auto file.
It is test ( a titmus test) which helps you to confirm if your generated
generated lrc file content will merge perfectly with the targeted audio